Return Policy

Our return policy

1. Return policy

1.1 We strive to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return the item within 30 days of receipt, provided it meets the following conditions:

The item must be unused, undamaged and in its original packaging.

Any labels, tags or security seals must still be attached to the item.

The article must show no signs of wear, use or damage.

2. Return process

2.1 If you wish to return an item, please contact us at to submit a return request.

2.2 Upon approval of your return request, you will receive instructions on how to return the item, including the return address of our general warehouse in China and any special instructions.

2.3 Please ensure that the item is securely packed and that all original packaging materials are included.

3. Return costs

3.1 We do not charge a return fee, however unless otherwise stated, the shipping costs for returning an item are at your own expense.

3.2 In case of a defective item or an error on our part, we will bear the return costs.

4. Exchange

4.1 If you wish to exchange an article for a different size or colour, the same conditions apply as mentioned above under sections 1, 2 and 3.1, you can simultaneously place a new order for the desired size or colour.

5. Refunds

5.1 Once we have received and inspected the returned item, we will notify you of the receipt of your return. 

5.2 If the returned item meets our return conditions, we will proceed to process your refund. The refund will be made via the original payment method, unless otherwise agreed.

5.3 Please note that it may take some time for the refund to appear in your account, depending on your bank's processing time.

5.4 We reserve the right to refuse returned items if we suspect the items have been used or damaged beyond our control.

6. Contact

6.1 If you have any questions about our returns policy, please feel free to contact us at

6.2 This returns policy applies to all purchases made through By making a purchase, you agree to this policy.